We have seen it happen time and time again. In fact, we can predict it with some regularity. If you try to have us, or any other company, take 100% of the social media workload off your plate, we’ll do a good job of it, yet your social media program will be nowhere near as effective as it could be. When we see a client hire us and then try to remove themselves completely from the equation, we know it will only be a matter of time before they give up on social altogether, saying the gave it a try and it just didn’t work.

So listen when we tell you: we can’t do it ALL for you.

We are experts in OUR field… but we’re not experts in YOUR field. We just don’t know the business like you do, and we’re not there every day immersed in the culture and the goings on.

But then again… you’re an expert in YOUR field, but you’re not an expert in OUR field. So trying to do everything in house is not going to work much better. You’ll have decent content, but you won’t be able to leverage it properly. You’re not a social media expert, and hiring one full time is an expense that’s probably not in your budget. Where’s the affordable middle ground?

Welcome to Co-Sourcing

Instead of trying to move 100% of the social media workload off your plate, let’s keep you involved, but make you more effective. Let us take the 80% of the job that’s mechanics, time, and social media knowledge and put that on OUR plate. Then let’s both work together as a team on that remaining 20% of content creation from the inside of the organization, and the integrated communications planning that unites social with all of the other efforts your company is undertaking so that everything is part of a unified whole. Rather than outsourcing, co-source the social media plan to an expert rep from NetWeave who can do the lion’s share of the work, for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time employee to help.

What Does Co-Sourcing Look Like?

When you try to do all the posts yourself, you are posting whenever you can, not necessarily at the best times or frequencies for the your posts to get the right kind of attention. Also, without a background in social media communications, you’re not mindful of keeping your content highly engaging and relevant. In other words, you’ll get lucky sometimes, and you’ll bomb sometimes, but your overall effectiveness suffers. On a graph, it looks like this.

Great high data marks, but also low, low marks. Performance is all over the place.
Great high data marks, but also low, low marks. Performance is all over the place.

Then again, if you outsourced 100% of the workload, consistency and post frequency and timing would be great… but you would be missing all those “moments” captured on site that really bring the great interaction. This is more level… but bland.

Overall average score is higher, low lows have been eliminated... but you're not having the very high highs you could either.
Overall average score is higher, low lows have been eliminated… but you’re not having the very high highs you could either.

Combine the best parts of both those scenarios by co-sourcing and get great material posted at strategic times and in ways that squeeze every last drop of engagement you can get out of that material. The peaks of those waves get higher, but so does the average water level. Everything succeeds more working together!

Consistency and engagement mean that the lows have evened out and even the lowest points are still much higher than they were, but also you keep the very high highs, increasing effectiveness dramatically.
Consistency and engagement mean that the lows have evened out and even the lowest points are still much higher than they were, and also you keep the very high highs, increasing effectiveness dramatically.

Want to find out more about how we Co-Source? Contact us now!